Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Cleveland Orchestra - cleaning house

William Preucil and Massimo La Rosa have been dismissed from the Cleveland Orchestra following an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment.  A long time coming, particularly for Preucil, whose behavior has been documented in the media for the past eleven years.  The link below contains the investigation's findings. 

Norman Lebrecht dribbled that "Preucil’s sacking creates huge issues for the orchestra. Reputedly the highest paid concertmaster in the US, he is a violinist of the highest calibre and a massive figure of authority in the orchestra. He will not easily be replaced."  This is sheer nonsense, and proves that either Lebrecht hasn't heard Preucil recently, or that he has no ears, or both.  Preucil's playing, once a hallmark of technique and musicianship, has been increasingly shoddy over the last few years.  In particular, I recall a solo violin part in an adaptation of Beethoven's String Quartet Op. 132 that was so poorly delivered members of the audience looked at each other in shock.  As for a replacement, First Associate Concertmaster Peter Otto is the logical choice.  He's an exemplary violinist and well liked by both the orchestra, members of the public, and - if I'm not mistaken - Franz Welser-Most. 

Perhaps now that Preucil is gone, the string of nepotistic hires that took place, including a member of his own family, can be reassessed.   

Unlike some, I have always been willing to stand up and speak truth to power.  Over the past few months, I have declined to write orchestra reviews despite attending several concerts.  With this matter resolved, I will be returning to reviewing concerts next month.  As stated elsewhere, my reviews are based on my opinion and no one else's.  Nor do I solicit or accept tickets or other gratuities for my reviews.  

Friday, October 5, 2018

Emanuel Ax - Complete RCA Recordings

Sony has reissued the complete RCA recordings of pianist Emanuel Ax, covering a period from 1975-1987.  Click here to read my review.