Monday, September 28, 2009

Why I Like Mondays

Most people don’t like Mondays, and complain about them no end. Not me.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy my weekends, and I’m as happy as anybody when leaving work on Friday.

When I awaken on Monday mornings, I am invariably well rested. I am refreshed and my attitude needs no adjustment. I let the dog out, have a quick breakfast, and head to the gym.

The people at the gym at that hour are my comrades. They are not stand & pose muscle heads. They are middle aged, over weight, and non-pretentious. They are fighting gravity and the advancing years just as I am. They have a sense of humor about it, because the right attitude is worth a thousand sit ups.

When I walk into work, I see my co-workers. We catch up on each others’ weekends and share a few laughs. I’m lucky to have the greatest colleagues. There is work to be done as well, but I’m still riding my weekend high and the work is more enjoyable that way.

When I come home from work, Mason shows his appreciation for me. After a weekend together, he sometimes takes me for granted. But after I’ve been gone for ten hours, he misses me.

Danny and I enjoy a quiet evening together – settling down to watch Heroes.

It’s Tuesdays that I hate.

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